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Find or sell your
dream Catamaran!

The free catamaran marketplace

New catamarans on the Market

How to sell your Catamaran

It is very easy to List your Catamaran on our Website.
We have a very easy to use upload form. The Website is free to use and you can upload as many pictures as needed.
Please let us know if you have any questions we are happy to help with your listing.

Why Catamarket

Catamarans are a growing market. We want to help sailors to find their dreamboat. As Catamaran owners we know how difficult and exhausting it can be to find the perfect boat. This is where the website comes into play. In the Catamaran database you'll find informations on the different Catamaran brands and models. In the Marketplace section you have different tools to search and explore the listet Catamarans. The Platform is easy to use and totally free.

Catamaran database

We want to help you find the catamaran model that suits your needs. Find all information about specific catamarans. We offer you the specs, additional manuals and brochures to download, and more. Are you missing a catamaran model contact us!

About us

We are a small team of boating enthusiasts. Our goal is to deliver a fantastic user experience and a free, easy to use marketplace to buy or sell your dream catamaran.
Please let us know how we can improve and which features you want to see in the future.